Boarding Welcome

Our boarders come from a wide range of backgrounds. The College's outstanding reputation means that we have students coming to us from all over the UK, Europe and elsewhere in the world.

The exciting and unique blend of young people is one of the many reasons why Wymondham College is a dynamic, successful and fascinating place to be. However our true strength and uniqueness comes from boarding which forms the very essence of college life.

Perhaps the biggest difference is the way in which our boarding houses are organised. Wymondham College has always been a fully co-educational school and since the 1970s we have had mixed boarding houses. This means that whilst sleeping accommodation is entirely seperate, boys and girls mix naturally in the social and work areas.

Another key aspect of boarding at Wymondham College is the mix and range of staff who are available to support and guide our boarders. The plethora of trained and experienced staff dedicated simply to boarding in each House far exceed the national minimum guidelines established for boarding schools. Teaching and non-teaching staff willingly give up their time in the evenings and weekends, with teaching staff recognising the great benefits boarding brings to teaching within the classroom.

With Heads of House having overall pastoral and academic responsibility for the progress of students in their care, the boarding houses lie at the centre of life at the College.


Dale mcmorran signature



Mr Dale McMorran - Vice Principal (Boarding, Behaviour, Teaching & Learning)


Read our 2023 Outstanding Ofsted Boarding report

The Family Life

Boarding at Wymondham College is unique.  Not only do our boarders come from a wide range of backgrounds, cultures and countries, but we are a fully co-educational school and this is as true in our boarding houses as it is in our classrooms.  This means that whilst sleeping accommodation is entirely separate, boys and girls mix naturally in the social and work areas.  From the beginning of a boarder’s time here, we feel that it is the strength of our diverse community that defines our shared experiences.  At Wymondham, boarding life is truly family life. As a result, our boarders grow in confidence, independence and emotional resilience so that when they leave us, they are mature and capable young people, able to motivate themselves and able to get on well with others.

Space to Breathe

Boarding at Wymondham College works because we give all of our boarders the physical room, headspace and encouragement to be teenagers, to grow and to discover who they can be.  Our boarders have full access to our 83-acre site, including music, art, sport and ICT facilities, both after lessons and late into the evening.  During the course of a typical week, over sixty Wymondham Life (extra-curricular) clubs will be available, offering boarders the chance to explore interests, broaden horizons and  develop social groups and self-esteem.

Preparation for Life

Through the carefully constructed routines of the Wymondham College boarding day, boarders learn to be independent in a safe and supportive setting.  Our boarders have the advantage of having been taught how to motivate themselves, having been guided to develop personal and professional relationships and having had experience of looking after themselves.

This independence is balanced with highly individualised levels of care that are made possible by staff who are themselves committed to and passionate about boarding.  Each boarding house is led by a Head ofHouse, who has overall responsibility for the academic and pastoral development of the young people in their care.  They are supported by a myriad of House Parents, boarding tutors, resident fellows and matrons.  All are driven by our common goal of ensuring our boarders are happy, healthy and well cared for, allowing them to achieve their full potential.  Our medical centre, chaplain and well-being team are central to campus life.

Whilst all of our boarders are granted the same opportunities and experiences, each main school House does have a unique feel and charisma, and this is part of the large boarding school charm.  Inter House competitions, whether sporting, debating, theatrical or musical are enjoyable but ultimately fiercely contested affairs, reflecting the passion of  our boarders and their loyalty to their Houses.

Come and Feel it for Yourself

Arguably the greatest feature of a boarding school education is that it creates lasting memories that often help positively and permanently shape a young person’s life.   Wymondham College friendships, experiences and triumphs stay with Wymondham College boarders for life.

We would love to show you all of this first hand.  So whether it is through a Boarder Taster Evening, an Open Morning or an individually arranged visit, we look forward to welcoming you to our boarding community. More information on our Open Days can be found here

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